Why Outsourced Paper Shredding Is Beneficial Than In-House Shredding?

Document shredding is an important activity that is carried by almost every company that involves a lot of paper related work. This service comes in two types, outsourced paper shredding and an in-house shredding. Both these services have their own share of pros and cons. Getting information about them will help in accomplishment of efficient execution of paper shredding task.

Outsourced shredding service is cost effective

In-house paper shredding needs investment of capital. It is required to pay for repair and maintenance and to operate the shredder. You do not need to care for equipment upgrades, purchase cost, labor, power consumption, and several other things. You simply need to make one-time payment that is mostly half of the full cost of what you incur in case of an in-house shredding.

Outsourced shredding provides certified destruction

If you perform an in-house shredding, it is required to form and execute proper data destruction policy. It is required to log the disposal and destruction of records to prevent you and your operator to become liable for it. With a third-party shredding solution, your contractor can easily absorb all threats and risks that can arise from inferior level document destruction.

Comparison between In-house shredding and outsource shredding

Though in-house look as a secure option, but it has a lot of risks involved in it. It is impossible to keep a provable chain of custody. Employees can throw sensitive documentation into the recycle bin or steal valuable information very quickly and easily than what it requires to utilizing a shredding machine.

Outsourced shredding services involve several activities such as collection, destruction or recycling of shredded information, screening and bonding shredding technicians to maintain stringent and secure custody of your documents. You will even receive a “Certificate of Destruction” post destruction of documents.

Time and efficiency

The time that is taken for removal of the folders, paper clips and staples from the documents, feed them into the shredder manually requires a lot of time. This duration increases when your machine jams with paper in the middle. Professional shredding machines come with an ability to destroy not just hard copy but also soft copy of documents such as hard drives and backup tapes.


Comparing these points make it clear that taking help of outsourcing shredding services is more cost advantageous for a business.  Also, it is a lot more reliable and more secure option for an in-house shredding.

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